9 Things that Will Make Your Blog Post Readable and Shareable

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You spend a long time writing a blog post.

You see, most of your visitor leaves your webpage very quickly without reading it all the way through.

In fact, it’s probably more difficult today as a result of the shorter attention span.

So, how you’ll write a blog post that the reader will stick to the end.

The thing is, it’s not that easy.

To make that happen, your blog post needs to be crystal clear.

In fact, every element of your blog post needs to be simplified to be consumed in a shorter time period.

Let’s understand more deeply.

Here are the six ingredients that will make your blog post readable and shareable.


1. Headlines

No matter how engaging your blog post is, it won’t get seen if it does not attract your reader’s attention.

The headline not only invites your reader but also gives a preview about the blog post.

An effective headline can grab the attention of your reader and compel him to click on the content to read more.

But … how would you actually write one?


  • Use numbers, digits and, lists
  • List Posts
  • How-to Posts
  • Resource Posts

Once you draw the reader in.

The next step is obvious.


2. Intro

The introduction gives the reader more info about the content. 

But an introduction can be used more wisely: Introduce the topic, select the audience, can outline the main points, convinces your reader to read the rest.

Once you’ve got a good hold, consider half your work to be done.


3. Break the Writing into Short Sentences 

Short sentences are smooth to read. Which makes your content clear, simple, and easy to understand.

Although long sentences aren’t always bad but sometimes confuse your reader.

Try to avoid writing long sentences, write a clear message, and come straight to the point. Make sure that the reader does not need to work hard to get the point.

So, start writing shorter sentences which helps your reader to consume your content easily and it also helps you to make fewer grammatical errors.

Vary the length of the sentences to make it more compelling.


4. Images

Using images can have a huge impact on your blog post. Especially when you are writing in-depth articles.

It’s really hard to read a 3000-word blog post with no images.

How long do you think he’ll stick to it.

Your reader deserves to relax and an image can make it easier for them.

Using images in your blog post will improve the readability.



5. Screenshots

Is it enough to just use the images?

Not enough.

Let me cite a good example.

Imagine you are writing some technical facts and how it works, then words and images are not enough.

So what do you do?

Here’s the thing “Screenshot”.

You can use Screenshot to simplify complex things.


6. Infographics

As you’ve probably already discovered what is infographics. An infographic is an eye-catching visual content that makes your blog posts look more appealing.

You know what? 

Our average attention span is now, one second less than a goldfish, which is 9 seconds. Therefore, it becomes really important to engage your audience within a few seconds.

So how can you grab your reader’s attention in such a short time?

Here’s the way.

Infographics can do that.

You can create an infographic and convey the data and analysis in eye-catching and informative infographics.

So that your readers can see and understand the information easily in a memorable visual experience.


7. Flowcharts

The flow chart is a graphical representation of a process or system that shows the process and correlation among the various steps.  

A good flowchart portraits a complex process in a clear and simple way with the help of symbols and text. 

It helps simplify the process to more easily understand how each step moves an entire process forward to completion.

This is what a flowchart does.


8. Make It Scannable

Here’s how people search.

They enter the search term on Google, click on the top results arrive at a website, start scanning the page to see if it looks relevant.

Within the seconds they decide whether to continue or not.

If they don’t find certain keywords, they’ll exit from your site. 

Do you see how are they searching? 

The visitor is not reading your content but scanning your content.

So, how can you create the content that is scannable?


9. Write As You Talk

The purpose of your writing your blog post is to connect with your reader.

This is one of the most important things in writing.

When it comes to blog writing you should “write in a conversational style.” A good writer is one who writes for his reader.

Write in such a way that the reader feels that you are talking to them.

As long as your blog does not target super professionals. You can do that by using shorter sentences and simpler words.

You need to harmonize with your readers.

We all are full of emotions. And the best way to harmonize with your readers is to hit on their emotions.

The thumb rule is, your content has to resonate with your reader.

And you can do that by adding emotion to your content.












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